A few words about myself: why might me and my site be of interest to you?
I am a specialist in the examination of political motives for criminal prosecution, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of social projects. Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor. He published about two hundred scientific papers, including in European and Japanese journals. He spent the nineties of the last century in the civil service in Russia, then moved to the public sector - the Southern Regional Resource Center and Kuban State University. In 2013, a political prisoner from Memorial’s list spent eight months in pre-trial detention center No. 5 in Krasnodar (Russia) on a fabricated case and another four months under house arrest. Since January 2015 – in exile in Ukraine.
Since 2016 – one of the founders and Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian public organization “Owl Expert Group”. My organization is a think tank that specializes in research and recommendations on political processes and the prevention of human rights violations in Russia.
I collaborate with lawyers from different countries, and have prepared several dozen expert opinions on the political motives for criminal prosecution of Russians for the courts and migration services of the USA, Germany, Poland, Israel, Turkey, Ukraine and other countries. In eighty percent of cases, these examinations helped people obtain asylum or avoid extradition to the Russian Federation.
Since 2021, I have been engaged in human rights activities as a member of the Expert Council of the Center for Civil Liberties (Kyiv).
In Ukraine in 2015, I assessed the effectiveness and impact of social projects commissioned by organizations such as the International Organization for Migration, the United Nations Development Program, the International Renaissance Foundation, the Resuscitation Package of Reforms coalition and many others. I am a member of the Board of the Ukrainian Assessment Association, a national professional association uniting specialists in monitoring and assessment. I am the co-author of several educational and methodological manuals on M&E published in Ukrainian.
I collaborate with the Free University, the best educational program in the world today with Russian as the language of instruction. Prepared a training course on “Political Expertise” for the Free University.