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I am a specialist in examining the political motives of criminal prosecution and evaluating projects. Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor. He published about two hundred scientific papers, including in European and Japanese journals. Spent the nineties of the last century
in the civil service in Russia, then moved
into the public sector and university.
In 2013, he was a political prisoner on Memorial’s list; since 2015, he has been in exile. I collaborate with lawyers from different countries, non-governmental organizations and the Free University.




I work for two groups of people.

The first is those who left Russia, Belarus and other dangerous countries and are seeking asylum, or have been subject to an extradition request from their “historical homeland.” As a rule, it is difficult for the migration service or a judge to figure out whether a person was really persecuted for political reasons. If this is the case, then they are given refugee status or denied extradition. But political motives need to be convincingly proven, which is where expert opinion helps. I prepared the first such conclusion in 2015. I cooperate with human rights organizations and lawyers in Russia, Ukraine, and many other countries.

I need political analytics precisely in order to understand the motives for the persecution of people by totalitarian and authoritarian regimes.

The second is teams that carry out social projects. I have worked in the non-profit sector for over 20 years and am involved in the evaluation of such

projects. As an independent expert, I evaluate projects of various organizations and also develop monitoring systems
and assessments and teach this in trainings. Since 2015, I have been a member of the Board of the Ukrainian Association for the Evaluation of Strategies, Programs and Projects.

Mikhail Savva, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Board of the public organization "Expert Group "Sova"



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