The Telegram channel "Beware, news" found very important information about a relatively new business on the Darknet. This business is illegal and dangerous for consumers. But it is a response to an objective need.
The Darknet offers forged documents for the legalization of Russians in other countries, which allegedly confirm their persecution in the Russian Federation for political reasons. For example, a protocol on an administrative offense for "Public actions aimed at discrediting the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens, maintain international peace and security." For only 15 thousand rubles. Or a resolution to initiate a criminal case. Or a detention protocol. On average, everything costs 15 thousand. Some services are more expensive. For example, a search protocol costs 20 thousand. Probably because there is a lot of text. And a summons from the military registration and enlistment office (the threat of getting into an aggressive war) - 14 thousand rubles. As the provider of this service wrote, clients usually order several services at once.
Why is it dangerous to buy such services? All these documents are not entered into official databases in the Russian Federation. Any check will show that the protocols and summonses are fake. The trader assures that no one will check. Firstly, they will check. Secondly, if the truth becomes known after a person has received refugee status, this status will be cancelled. With all the unpleasant consequences, for example, deportation or initiation of a criminal case. Thirdly, as the scale of this business increases, such documents (even real ones) will be questioned. And these documents will not be enough to make a decision.
But the offer of fake documents on the Darknet is a response to an objective need. This is the need for evidence of political motives for persecution. This evidence is difficult. In Russia and other neo-totalitarian countries, a person can end up under arrest very quickly. And he will not have time to leave the country if he waits for significant evidence from the state of political motives for persecution. Migration services or courts in Europe, the USA and other countries usually do not accept "minor evidence" of the illegality of persecution. The reason is that neither the client nor his lawyer can put these "small facts" into an evidentiary system. They also cannot find additional facts for this system. The client can be a banker, a mathematician or a civil servant. In any case, he usually does not know the words "
". His lawyer is a lawyer, that is, not a political scientist. And the lawyer, as a rule, does not know these words either.
An examination of political motives for persecution is a better replacement for forged documents. A properly conducted examination proves that a person was persecuted for political reasons; that if he returns to his homeland, this person will not just go to prison, but will face gross violations of his rights. It is precisely this kind of examination that should become the correct answer to the request of many emigrants to prove the presence of political motives for their persecution. But first, people should learn about this possibility.
That is why I am writing here.